“Eat Sleep Ride” app review
Today, in my ongoing series to find the best ride tracking app, I want to introduce Eat Sleep Ride!
This app has the most potential, in my opinion. It was designed and created with motorcycle riders in mind. Other apps try and cater to multiple genres of GPS tracking, such as hiking and cycling. This app was designed for motorcycles first!
First of all, what is it?
Eat Sleep Ride is a ride tracking app with a built in social network. It is free to use, but requires an account. There is one pay feature called CrashLight. It is supposed to recognize when you crash and contact someone to let them know that you are in danger. It was designed and created for motorcycle riders.
With the app, you can track you ride. If you want to, you can upload it to the ESR site and share it with other riders. You can post it as a ride and write a short story or description of the ride. You can also write short stories and articles that can appear on the ESR page. It’s a great idea.
First Launch
ESR greets you with the option to sign up, log in, or take a tour. The onboarding tour provides the main functions of the app.
(Hint: Click the images to enlarge. Use the arrow keys or swipe to move between images.)
Sign up Options
You can create an account with an email address, an Apple account, A Google account, or a Facebook account.
*Keep in mind that you can login to the website as well as the app so think about which method is most convenient for you!
Overall Impression
My impression is based on using the app for dozens of rides. When the app is open and active (presented on the screen), I have never had any problems with it. I like being able to see where I am in real time. I like seeing where the nearby streets go too. It helps me explore.
When the app is in the background but recording, it has stopped recording on me several times. They make updates to the app from time to time and it has gotten better. To be fair, I have had other apps also stop recording on me when they are in the background. Another app (Trails.io) will send a notification when it stops to let you know that you may want to check your phone and reset the recording.
I don’t share a lot of my rides but it’s mostly out of shyness. If I know that the routes would be interesting to anyone, I would consider it. I get the impression that the majority of the users are in North America.
I give this app a 3.5 out of 5 starts. ★★★☆☆. It has so much potential but needs more work.
Great route tracking
Potential to be a great social app
Friend tracking / location sharing
3.2 stars with 82 ratings.
Sometimes stops tracking (especially if it’s in the background)
Sharing can be confusing or difficult to use
This is the app that I have the most hope for. I think social sharing outside of the big companies like Facebook is a good idea. I want to play with the feature to add friends so that I can see the ETA when I meet a friend as well as being able to ride further ahead or behind someone without worrying about getting lost or worrying that they crashed.
If you have used Eat Sleep Ride, please leave a comment and tell me what you like and do not like about it.
I am, still trying the find the best app for motorcycle riders, so if you have any suggestions, please leave a comment!
This is not sponsored. I have been on a quest to find the route tracking app that suits my needs best. This is some information and my opinion about the app.