Who is Candy?

Candy was born on March 18 2018. She was born with an enlarged heart so the pet store that had her was not able to sell her. She was sitting in a cage in the back of the store.

February 4, 2019

February 4, 2019

The pet store agreed to let us bring her home and take care of her. We got her for free. We brought her home on February 25th, 2019. Before we could introduce her to our other cats, we needed to have her tested for other diseases. It turns out she has FIP.

February 26, 2019

We have been living with her for almost a year. She seems happy. She likes to explore but my room is filled with stuff. She can jump over the makeshift door that we made. We need to keep her in a cage when I am at work so she doesn’t play with the other cats. FIP is caused by a virus so it can spread to them. I also need to be careful when I play with her. I can not touch the other cats without washing my hands throughly.

March 14, 2019

I will keep this blog up to date with pictures of her. Come check it out if you want…

Steve - 819S

From Buffalo, NY to Kanagawa, Japan.  I have been living in Japan since 2004. I love every minute of it…


Sora and Maru Chilling Out


Super Candy!!