Bambi April 2021
Day 019 - 2021/04/30
Day 018 - 2021/04/29
Stretch 20 min
Crunches 3 sets of 10
Front crunch 5 sets of 10
Pull up 10 10 10 (40 kg assist)
Dips 2 sets of 10 (40 kg assist)
Leg press (20kg 2x10 kg plates)
3 sets of 10
Elliptical 23 minutes
Overhead row (12.5 kg)
5 sets of 10
ISO bench press 1.25 plates
2 sets of 10
Squat 3 sets of 10
Isolateral row
5 kg 1 set of 10 10 10 10
7.5 kg 2 sets of 10 10 5 2
5 kg 1 set of 10
Day 017 - 2021/04/28
Stretch 20 min
Crunches 3 sets of 10
Pull up dips 40 kgs assist
2 sets of (10 10 10 / 10)
Day 016 - 2021/04/27
Stretch 20 min
Crunches 3 sets of 10
Forward crunches 3 sets of 10
Leg curl short B 10kg
1 set of 10
Short A 10kg
1 set of 10
Medium-small A 10kg
1 set of 10
Overhead row
10kg 1 set of 10
12.5kg 2 sets of 10
ISO bench press
5kg - 2 reps
2.5kg 10 reps
1.25 10 reps
0kg 10 reps
Leg press 10kg (2x5kg plates) easy mode
3 sets of 10
Day 015 - 2021/04/26
Crunches 3 sets of 10
Pull up 40 kg (33 X)
10 10 10
Dips 40 kg
3 sets of 10
OUCH armpit
Bike 23 minutes
Day 014 - 2021/04/25
We wanted to go in the morning but we slept in.
Day 013 - 2021/04/24
Crunches 3 sets10 reps
Standing crunch 3 sets 10 reps
Pull up / dip 40 kg 10 reps 10 reps 10 reps / 10 reps
Day 012 - 2021/04/23
Stretch 20min
Crunches 10 10 7
Front crunch 3 sets of 10
Pull up 40kg — 10 reps - 10 reps - 10 reps
Dip 40kg — 10 reps
Bike 23 minutes
Leg press
1 set of 10 (no weight)
2 sets of 10 (10kg 2x5)
ISO bench press (no weight) 3 sets of 10
Day 011 - 2021/04/22
Crunches 10 - 8 - 5 (can’t do sets of 10)
Standing crunch 3 sets of 10
Leg press 3 sets of 10 easy mode
ISO bench 3 sets of 10 no weight
ISO high row 3 sets of 10 10kg
Pull up / dip 40kg
1 set of 10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Leg curl small-B-10kg 2 sets of 10
Day 010 - 2021/04/21
Too tired. Maru got sick. We didn’t go.
Day 009 - 2021/04/20
Leg press 3 sets of 10 hard mode
Crunches 2 sets of 10
Forward lean crunch 1 set of 10
High row 15kg 3 sets of 10
ISO-bench press no weight 3 sets of 10
Day 008 - 2021/04/19
Started doing 2 sets of 10 reps.
Stomach still hurts from crunches. Could only do 10.
Pull-ups with 40kg weight - 10 of each bar - 3 bars - dips 10 reps 2 sets.
Isometric row - 10kg on inside bars - 5 kg on outside
Leg press - 2 reps - no extra weight
Day 007 - 2021/04/18
Day 006 - 2021/04/17
Day 005 - 2021/04/16
normal workout
Day 004 - 2021/04/15
normal workout
Day 003 - 2021/04/14
normal workout
Day 002 - 2021/04/13
crunches / standing crunches / pull up / elliptical / stretch
Day 001 - 2021/04/12
First weigh in on April 12, 2021
Day one at the gym
Crunches / standing crunches? / supported pull ups / full upper body / leg lifts / bike / elliptical / stretches