Always be prepared!

There are some things that frustrate me more than other things. I would say that that is true for the majority of people in this world. The DMV is famous for being a place of frustration in the US. I think that every government office is in Japan.

Let me explain what happened the other day.

Last week, I rode my bicycle to “Tama Branch Office of Vehicle Inspection” to find out what I needed in order to get a new license plate for my motorcycle. I moved and I have not re-registered my bike in the new city. I wanted some exercise so I cycled there. The lady at the counter was very friendly and explained all the things that I needed in order to get a new license plate. She said that I needed my vehicle registration, the old license plate and a “jyuu min hyou” which is a “proof of residency” document.

I prepare all the things that she said I needed and I really enjoyed the 18 km (11 mile) ride. I got there and gave the lady all the things she told me I needed. She took my license plate and gave me the paperwork I needed. She then told me to go to the other building and go to counter 1. The first building was really big and have a warm, inviting feeling and friendly looking staff. When I entered the second building, I felt like I was back at a DMV in America. There were swarms of people in a confused, disorganized mess that would be easy to wrap your head around if you visit there often but was a bit overwhelming for a noob like me.

I went to counter 1 like I was instructed to. I gave them the paperwork and they asked me for my compulsory insurance. I pointed to the insurance sticker that the angel in the first building removed for me and stuck to my plastic folder so I could reattach it to the new license plate. She looked at me like I was an idiot and told me I needed the paperwork for the sticker. I did not have it. I asked if I could use a photo but she said that I needed the original document. I was immediately disappointed. I did not have enough time to go home get it and go back there. She told me it was OK, I can just go buy new compulsory insurance from the place around the corner. I still have two months on my current insurance so I did not want to do that.

Right now, I am standing at a counter with a lady who is pissed off that I am still in her line and I am not prepare. I do not have a license plate to put back on my motorcycle and I don’t know what to do next.

I asked if I could get my old plate back and she told me to go back to the first building and get it. When I went back, the wonderful woman that helped me told me that I do not need the paperwork because I have the sticker. She went with me to the other building and talked to the clerk for me. In the end, the clerks would not budge. She apologized to me and I had to go home defeated.

I still have not updated my motorcycle registration but I have all the paperwork I need and I think I am ready for the next trip.

I feel a slight regret that I rode my bicycle there and not my motorcycle. The paperwork I need is in the toolbox under my motorcycle seat. I could have gotten the plate if I had ridden. I think I will ride my motorcycle when I go there for the third time next week.

Wish me luck!!

Steve - 819S

From Buffalo, NY to Kanagawa, Japan.  I have been living in Japan since 2004. I love every minute of it…

Oil painting of dinosaur in New York City


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